No Buy Challenge is ON ✨This isn’t going to be another New Year’s resolution that fades away. I’m starting now, before the new year begins, to erase that “NY…Dec 29, 2024Dec 29, 2024
Making Space for DoubtWe’ve all been there — caught in the spiral of self-doubt, especially when life throws a curveball or two. For me, it’s not just a…Aug 26, 2024Aug 26, 2024
Discussion as a way to avoid the answerCommunication vs Discussion 🧐 We all know that discussion means a dialog — chatting, sharing ideas, giving feedback, having a…Apr 12, 20241Apr 12, 20241
Published inProduct breakfast clubMeeting notes as a habit 📝We all understand that it’s great to have meeting notes, and yet, most of the time, we skip this, sometimes crucial, part of the meeting.Feb 23, 2023Feb 23, 2023
Published inProduct breakfast clubSurvivorship bias and how to spot it in the PM worldWhen making a decision, do you ask yourself: is there some data missing? Well, you should ;)Feb 13, 2023Feb 13, 2023
Published inProduct breakfast clubWhen data is uselessMorning, friends! ☕️ Got your coffee? Great! Let’s take about an important question we should ask ourselves before starting to collect any…Jan 26, 2023Jan 26, 2023
Published inProduct breakfast clubData-driven vs data-informed?It looks like we use too often “data-driven” when in reality we mean “data-informed”. Both are about using data to make a decision.Jan 25, 20231Jan 25, 20231
Published inProduct breakfast clubVanity vs Actionable metrics art analogy 🖼Get your ☕️ and 🥐 and let’s see how vanity metrics differ from actionable ones.Jul 6, 2022Jul 6, 2022
Published inProduct breakfast clubMotivate or encourage to get motivated?Can you actually motivate someone? Agile lesson from the past to modern leadership.Aug 31, 2021Aug 31, 2021
Published inProduct breakfast clubProduct teams vs Feature teams by Marty CaganI can not recommend more books of Marty Cagan “Inspired” and “Empowered”. It’s a must-read for people who love building great products and…Jul 23, 20211Jul 23, 20211
January book: Powerful — building a culture of freedom and responsibilityby Patty McCord, former chief talent officer at Netflix for 14 years advocates radical honesty and transparency in the workplace, open…Jan 24, 2021Jan 24, 2021
November Book: Customer Success as a philosophy. Guide to make it happen.What is Customer Success? This book takes you through the journey a business has to take to make Customer Success happen!Jan 22, 2021Jan 22, 2021
December book: a business fable about why the quality of vulnerability can be crucial in business“Getting naked” means to be okay to be vulnerable, honest, humble, open while doing business with your clients. Book takes you through …Dec 27, 20201Dec 27, 20201
Building an e-future with ChargeTripIt has been a month since I joined Chargetrip — a team with an awesome goal of switching people and businesses to electric mobility.May 15, 20201May 15, 20201
ResizeObserver — a new powerful tool for Responsive WebThe word “responsive” is something we don’t mention that often these days in web development, it’s a standard already. There is a vast and…Jan 27, 2020Jan 27, 2020
Level up the quality of your code base with ESLintWhen we talk about linters, we usually mention big teams working on the same code base and linters as a tool to keep this codebase tidy…May 7, 20181May 7, 20181
Warning: React depends on requestAnimationFrame.If you bootstrapped your project with create-react-app and you don’t want to eject it as you are very okay with current settings and only…Oct 26, 2017Oct 26, 2017
English, babyУкраїна вже давно обрала напрямок куди рухати своє майбутнє, і воно — англомовне. Одразу скажу, що я не ознайомлена з сучасними планами…Oct 16, 20173Oct 16, 20173
Optimizing Webpack for faster developmentInVision is not only an amazing tool for prototyping, but also a team of excellent developers, who like to share their knowledge and…Sep 14, 2017Sep 14, 2017
Naughty cssnano or how to save your z-indexes from being restructuredApparently, cssnano plugin tries to clear z-indexes mess for you. By mess, I mean our love to use huge numbers for z-index property, even…Sep 13, 20171Sep 13, 20171